Bond Camp 2017
We came home Friday evening from spending a week at Bond Camp with a group of Jr. Higher's. Jeff and I were asked to be the missionaries for the week and what a great opportunity it was! We had so much fun talking to the kids about Thailand each day. We enjoyed reconnecting with old friends, as well as making new friends. It was great to spend time with the Jr. Highers for a week! Josiah, Violet, and Naomi all enjoyed camp as well! They made several friends and loved swimming in the lake. Camp was always one of my favorite places to be and it was wonderful to be back there with my entire family!
The experiences I had at camp were some of the most impactful for my journey towards becoming an adult. It was at camp that I first learned about missions and Bible college. It was also the first time I ever had the opportunity to do missions work at a service /missions camp. Bond Camp is where I grew the most in my walk with Christ and where I first learned to study the Bible. As you can see much of my journey with Christ started with my experiences at camp and lead me to where I am today. On the last night of camp I was thinking through on how we would share our ministry plans effectively to the kids. I thought it would be fun to share the story on how Jeff and I met and give a small history about our childhoods and how God geared us towards missions at a young age. How perfect that on the last day of camp when we would be presenting this it was our anniversary! I was overwhelmed by Gods providence in our life as I reflected on these stories and shared with the kids.
As I began thinking of our childhoods, I once again was amazed to see how God worked in both our lives. It was sobering and amazing to think how here we were at camp, the place that I first learned about missions and had the opportunity to do some mission work. The people who gave me the opportunity to serve were also working at camp with us that week. It was such an awe inspiring moment. It is almost hard to put into words. God blessed me this past week by reminding me of my roots at church camp and how it impacted my future. In doing so he put me in the very spot I first learned about it, and committed my life to it and now present my future as missionaries with my husband on our anniversary.